By Brigitte Today, we’re excited to announce big improvements to the Edit Cache Listing page! It’s now easier to create cache pages with fewer issues so that caches are published more smoothly. For cache owners who have used the page for a long time, the changes might take some getting used to. But we’re confident that once you’re familiarized with the new page, you’ll find it much easier to get your cache pages ready for the community.

It’s not just cache owners who benefit from the improvements, but also the geocaching community’s amazing volunteer reviewers. Many of them review hundreds or thousands of caches each year. These changes will reduce the issues that come up during the review process, allowing the reviewers more time to…well…go out geocaching!
So, if you’ve ever considered hiding a geocache, we encourage you to join the 360,000 plus cache owners who’s creativity and inspiration give us over 3 million reasons to keep exploring.
Among the updates to the Edit Cache Listing page:
Waypoints and attributes are integrated into the page. That means there’s no need to visit a separate page to add/edit waypoints or attributes!
The page’s map is much more useful. You can now see posted coordinates and waypoints on the map. Also, we’ve switched the page’s map to OpenStreetMap, which allows cache owners to zoom in and out, as well as double-check that the coordinates are at the correct location.
The Submit for Review process is simplified.
You can read tons more about the improvements in the official Release Notes in the Geocaching Forums, where you can also share feedback about the release.

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